1. I'd really like a better laptop right now.
2. M***** f***** is the word you'd most often hear me say if I stubbed my toe (sorry, it's true, but you'd have to really listen).
3. Possession is just that, a possession.
4. I know someone who needs a shower; Captain Jack Sparrow!
5. Marshmallows and fire go together like recalled peanut butter and jelly.
6. Cook, eat, clean, sleep and on and on.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending a few hours in our next house while it is being inspected, tomorrow my plans include what else, grocery shopping and Sunday, I want to cook, sleep, and cook!
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This story will make you cry, for the parents and the kid. This is a recipe that I've made a number of times but that I'd kind of forgotten about. Carrot Halva is dish that is so cozy and nourishing that you think it could almost be considered "nursery food", as my good friend Nigella Lawson calls kid food. I like this as a dessert or a quick breakfast. Even though it's made with carrots, they don't ever really soften enough to make it mushy. It has a texture more like a small cooked grain or pasta like couscous. Traditionally carrot halva (or halwa) is spiced with only cardamon. I, however, like to spice mine with the works, including cinnamon, clove, and allspice. 1. Enough with the complaining about the weather already (I'll try to quit whining too). ![]() I call this a Winter Steak because in the summer I always cook my steaks on the grill. I like grilling, but am not about to do it when it's 3 degrees outside. (FYI, there are two steaks in the photo, or else that was one weird steer). ![]() Oh, and check out how my grill looks today. ![]() Gentle Readers, I am certain that if you are reading this blog (all three of you) it is very likely that you are someone who cares about me or who at a minimum knows me. Let me introduce you to our (fingers crossed) new house! We are moving across town and could not be happier. If you don't have a magnifying glass handy and would like to see larger images of our house, click on the picture. I know it's a bit fussy and Victorian-looking right now, but rest assured 4 boys and my lack of decorating talent will take care of that straight away. ![]() ![]() My sweetheart of a husband brought this litle number home for me today. It's a Steve Madden (love the shoes) iPod wallet. I love it because it's red and it will make it really easy to find my iPod in my ginormous purse. Also, my last iPod (may she rest in peace) had some really cool High School Musical bling on her that made her really special and easy to recognize. This nifty little wallet will hlep this new iPod wiggle its way into my heart. Thanks, Dave. 1. It's January; it's cold and snowy. Get over it (and learn how to drive in it). I made this for dinner last night. Truly, it couldn't be easier. Yes, it's a spin off of the Pork Chops with Gnocchi I made last week. This recipe's adapted from Emeril. He served it with spaetzle, which would be fabulous. |
Bitter Patter..the mutterings of a mother of four, second grade teacher, avid reader, knitter, enthusiastic cook and sometimes runner. I'm every woman, baby. Archives
July 2014